Natural recipes to get rid of dark spots


Dark spots appear in the form of brown marks in different areas of the skin, especially those that are constantly exposed to the sun  . Other factors may lead to the appearance of dark spots such as pregnancy, stress, unhealthy and  diet .You do not need to resort to expensive skin care products to treat dark spots and whiten your skin. Your kitchen is full of foods and recipes that treat dark spots naturally and safely. Here are some of these recipes.

Yoghurt to treat skin spots:

Try putting a glass of yogurt on your face! Yes, yogurt contains lactic acid, which helps to protect the skin from the onset of symptoms of aging , Leave it  on your face for 20 minutes twice a week.

Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is known for its magical ability to whiten the skin. Put a few drops of vinegar on a piece of cotton and wipe it on the dark areas of the skin.Leave this cleanser on your skin for 10 minutes and then wash it with warm water. You will notice the disappearance of skin spots in a few weeks.

Watermelon to lighten the skin color :

Have you imagine  before that watermelon can be helpful in treating dark spots? Instead of throwing peels  in  the trash, cut them into small pieces and massage the dark areas of the skin. This will help to stimulate blood circulation and tighten the skin. The melon peel is rich in vitamin A, B and C. So do not waste this precious fruit without benefiting from it.

Aloe vera gel :

Aloe vera is rich of  sugars;  that stimulate the growth of new skin cells, which helps to hide the dark spots gradually and whiten the skin perfectly. Wash your face well,   dry it then put the Aloe vera in circular movement and leave for 10 minutes . ash your face with water as usual. 

Turmeric powder :

Turmeric powder is another natural substance that is effective in whitening skin and treating dark spots caused by exposure to sunlight. Mix two tablespoons of turmeric with  milk or lemon juice ,  put the mixture  on the dark spots and leave for 5 minutes  then wash your face with water as usual.

Almond :

Almonds are rich in vitamin E, antioxidants and healthy fats that help to purify the skin and treat it from dark spots. Take like  8-10 almonds and immerse them in water overnight. Peel in the morning and  grind it  add a tablespoon of  honey ,  then put on your skin for 30 minutes. Repeat once or twice a week.

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